Excellent article. Lori was our bishop for a while, and he was untrustworthy. He was known to lie to the priests and people, protect and hide active homosexual priests that were also engaged in major thefts and illegal activities. He is very concerned about his career and lifestyle. I suspect that part of his motivation to plunder this parish was that it was a faithful parish that may have question him or supported victims of the misdeeds of diocesan priests and employees.

Loris demands strict obedience to Him, not God. He is one of many bishops that uses the term and virtue of 'obedience' as a sword to silence and attack those that question him and a shield to protect himself from criticism.

Loris was known as slick willy by many here. He left a big debt. He did get a 'loan' from the Knights of Columbus for the Bridgeport Dioceses in excess of 20 million dollars to mostly abuse victims. He also got appointed the Knights of Columbus Chaplin with a stipend of $100,000.00 a year. Does he use and of this money to help victims or the poor in his dioceses?

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Abp Lori should be removed from his "ministry". He also should be removed as the K of C Supreme Chaplain, as I've stated for several years now. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth, is completely untrustworthy, & doesn't deserve to be called a Knight in any way, shape or form. He is anathema to our organization, which actually gives 90%+ of our intake to the charities that we support. He, like many other "shepherds", is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I pray for his immortal soul.

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You are spot on. Look up Father Wallin aka Father Meth. Wallin was a very active homosexual. Lori made him pastor of our cathedral. Wallin would dress up in women's clothes and play around with his friends in the rectory. Staff complained, Lori did nothing, until Wallin was arrested for selling meth.

Look up Father Michael Fay. He was in Darien CT . He had a homosexual lover, and stole $500,000.00. The secretary and the other priest there complained to Lori, he did nothing. They hired a private investigator and turned Fay into the police. Lori punished the priest and pushed him out of the priesthood and fired the secretary. She did sue and got a large settlement. So in all between the theft and settlement it costs about 1 Million dollars.

He is vile, a liar and full, to the brim, with hubris. I will never support or join the K of C so long as he is associated with it. By making him their Chaplin they condone and endorse his behavior. They support his immorality and wrongful vengeance against innocents. I heard from another bishop that Lori enjoys punishing his opponents.

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I did look up those you mentioned. Lori appears to be even worse than I imagined, which is very disheartening.

However, just like the Catholic church, the K of C does great work as far as our local Councils & Assemblies go. But the church, as well as the Knights, are run by sinful mean - that does not mean that the entire organization is bad. As I mentioned, over 90% of our moneys actually support those in need. You will not find another charitable organization that gives as much as we do. It does no good to throw the baby out with the bathwater, as the saying goes. Eventually, things will change, but the only way that will happen is if good Catholic men remain to oversee the local operations. I want to be one of those men. God will judge me for MY behavior, not Lori's - he must answer for himself, & he will.

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